
4AM TradingGlass

4AM TradingGlass

Furnaces & Heat Treatment


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When you need a high-volume solution for heat treating glass, Nabertherm has your answer. We have industrial designs for annealing, fusing, slumping, decorating, tempering, and many other applications.In addition to our wide range of standard furnaces, we can design a specific solution for you.Please ask for our 64-page “Glass” catalog and see all our possibilities.
Air Circulation Furnaces
  Fusing Furnaces,Tub Furnaces and Top-Hat Furnaces
  Clean Room Solutions   Retort Furnaces
  Furnaces with Radiation Heating   Float-Glass Test Kiln with Wire Heating
  High-Temperature Furnaces   Laboratory Melting Furnace SC 8 with SiC Rod Heating
  Continuous Furnaces, Electrically Heated or Gas-Fired   Fast-Firing Decoring Furnaces with Infrared Heating
  Salt Bath Furnaces for Chemical Hardening of Glass, Electrically Heated or Gas-Fired   Temperature Uniformity and System Accuracy
  Annealing and Hardening Furnaces with Wire Heating, Preheating Furnaces for Molds
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